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Because of financial reasons
Because of business flexibility
Comparison of cumulative costs in the case of an industrial hall measuring 2.000 m2

Inpro d.o.o. Novo Mesto, Loke 4, 8351 Straža, Slovenia
T: +386 7 30 84 850   F: +386 7 30 84 851   E:

Experience has shown that the business costs of applying KlimaRent systems are approximately equal to the opportunity costs of interest from capital invested in a fixed air conditioning system. In addition, our customer is not confronted with a high initial investment and he does not need not to worry about the maintenance and ageing of his system.

Comparison of cumulative costs in the case of an industrial hall measuring 2.000 m2

In our case, the investor, instead of investing €100,000 in a fixed air conditioning system, used these funds for more necessary investments and relied on the KlimaRent system. He is free from worrying about the maintenance and the performance of the air conditioning system and at the same time knows that after ten years or more, he will not have to think about replacing the old fixed system.

Using KlimaRent systems evidently improves the state of staff’s health and their working efficiency at a relatively low cost. A simple comparison shows that the costs of applying KlimaRent systems in a typical industrial company are relatively low. Including gross wages, the costs of applying KlimaRent systems come to no more than about 1% of all labour costs. On the other hand, experience shows that work productivity may improve up to 20% due to appropriate air conditioning.

The financial benefits of hiring KlimaRent systems are further increased by flexible modes and time frames of the rental, ranging from one-day to five-year rental periods. One should also not overlook the tax benefits ensuing from rental arrangements.


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